A program designed to prevent injuries in 10 minutes per day.

If you feel like you're losing to your own injuries, let us show you a game plan to get back on top.

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Designed to help current or recurring injuries 

Designed to help prevent future injuries

Only 10 minutes of work per day

Why are you injured?

Never before have humans lived in a world where they are overusing certain major muscle groups and underusing others. Find out the secret to getting the body back in balance by doing simple, strength-based exercises that you are almost certainly not currently doing using minimal equipment in 10 minutes per day.

About the Course

Follow along with Seb as he demonstrates the key exercises. There are 3-4 variations of each depending on your current ability.  

Why Wait?

Now is the best time to take control of your health and do these important exercises designed to combat the modern lifestyle and level up your game.  


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